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All Animals MUST be Halter Trained

Specific Requirements 

All animals must come from herds, which are not restricted, and the herd and relevant animals must have had a clear test within the previous 12 months. No pre-movement test is required for TB. However, it is recommended by the Department that a 30 day pre-movement test for TB should apply to all Shows.

a. All animals must come from herds which are not restricted.
b. Certain animals (i.e females aged 18 months and over and bulls aged 24 months and over) must have passed a test for Brucellosis within the previous 60 days. However, these animals may move to any number of Shows within the validity period of the same 60 day pre-movement test. Where such an animal(s) is/are being shown repeatedly during successive 60 day validity periods, in the course of a show season, the animal(s) may be allowed to move on foot of Permit ER 36A during the expired portion of a valid test where the animal is under test for the next validity period and the identity card/passport is held by the DVO/practitioner.

All cattle must bear double plastic tags as issued under the Department’s identification system. They must be accompanied by their passports (except in the circumstances outlined in the preceding sub-paragraph).

Bulls for A.I Stations 
In addition to the T.B. and Brucellosis tests, bulls destined for A.I Stations must be tested for I.B.R. (Infectious Bovine Rhynrotracheitis), E.B.L. (Enzootic Bovine Leukosis), B.V.D. (Bovine Virus Diarrhoea) and Johnes Disease, within 30 days prior to movement into such stations.

AIM Notification 
The movement of Irish-registered cattle to and from an Agricultural Show within the State must be recorded on AIM using form CMMS 4 (available from local DVOs). Ultimate responsibility for fulfilling this requirement lies with the Show Secretary. The keeper of the animal(s) should complete sections 2 and 3(a) of the CMMS 4 form while Section 3(b) should be completed by the Show Secretary. Completed forms should be sent to the District Veterinary Office in the county where the show is being held within 7 days of movement. 

Imports from Northern Ireland 
It is very important that any proposal to import cattle to a show is made known to the local District Veterinary Office well in advance so that consideration can be given to compliance with the requirements outlined below.

The Show premises at which at which the cattle will reside for the duration of their stay must either be an assembly centre approved for exports or of such a standard as being capable of being approved for such a purpose temporarily. A fundamental requirement for such premises is that they have surfaces that are capable of being cleaned and disinfected, and have adequate cleaning and disinfection facilities. Adequate segregation facilities may be required also (see under “Status of Animals” below)

Status of Animals 
Cattle from Northern Ireland being moved to a show must be certified in accordance with the normal requirements for intracommunity trade in breeding animals including having passed a T.B. test. (export interpretation) during the 30 days prior to export and a brucellosis test in the case of eligible animals (females and entire males over 12 months) during the 30 days prior to leaving the herd of origin. To comply with eligibility requirements for re-importation into Northern Ireland after the show, cattle must not mix with any cattle of a lesser health status whilst at the show: (This can be achieved in one of two ways: (i) either the imported animals are kept segregated fully from other cattle at the show which have not been tested or (ii) all cattle attending the show must have been TB (export interpretation) within 30 days and all cattle from Northern Ireland attending the show must have been brucellosis tested within 30 days as set out above.

Cattle imported to a show from Northern Ireland must be accompanied by an original breeding animal intra-trade health certificate (known as a TRACES certificate) and a passport for each animal. A TRACES message, corresponding with the TRACES certificate, will be sent for each animal or consignment being dispatched to the show (this will be performed by officials in the dispatching country). For the return journey, this original certificate must be endorsed by the signature of the official veterinarian of the Department at the show, together with the official stamp of the competent authority and date of endorsement. A TRACES message will be sent for the return journey also (this will be performed by Department Officials attending the show) In addition a non-comminglement certificate must be issued by the official veterinarian for the show at or before return, stating that the animal shows no clinical signs of disease and has not been in contact, during its stay at the show/event, with animals of a lesser health status. The passport must accompany the animal on the return journey also. The Show Secretary should complete a CMMS 5 form in respect of animals imported to take part in the show. The owner of the imported animal(s) is required to sign the form also when the animal arrives at the show and provide his/her herd number. Following the show, the official veterinarian should complete the bottom portion of the CMMS 5 form also confirming that he has stamped the official Health Certificate and that he has issued a Non-Comminglement Certificate. The completed CMMS 5 form should then be forwarded to NBAS Division, Administration Building, Backweston Campus, Backweston, Cellbridge, Co Kildare- to enable recording of the movement. A carbon copy of the form will be provided for the Show Secretary, the official vet and the herd keeper of the animal(s). CMMS 5 forms are available from local District Veterinary Offices (DVOs) or the Cattle Movement Notification Agency, Clonakilty, Co Cork

Note for Information regarding Movement of Bovine to Shows


The Department of Agriculture implemented a number of changes on 4th February 2019 which changed the procedures and criteria applicable when applying for a Certificate of Compliance for the movement of cattle. These also impact on the certificate which is required when moving a bovine to a Show.


The following sets out the criteria applicable:

• The movement of cattle to and from an Agriculture Show within the State must be recorded on the Animal Identification and Movement System (AIM).

• In line with these changes a specific certificate of Compliance for the “Movement of Bovine from a Single Holding to a Show” must now be requested prior to the movement of animals concerned.

• These certificates can be created by (i) applying on-line using their agfood account or (ii) where the keeper is not on line the certificate can be generated by the local Regional Veterinary Office following receipt of a NBAS31K with issue of the certificate being subject to normal criteria applicable. This form will be available on the Department’s Website and will also be included with the Show Circular when issued.

• When applying for this certificate the destination herd / or Show number is not required. The certificate generated will include an “S” symbol.

The Certificate of Compliance for a Show will continue to be valid for a period of up to 30 days. As is currently the case these can be used for the movement of animals to a number of shows during the validity period of the certificate.

• Please also note—Calves which are less than 10 days cannot be moved to a Show


As is currently the case the Movement Notification Section of the Certificate should be Completed by the Keeper and the Show Secretary who must clearly indicate the Show Number. The Show movement should be recorded on the

passport. Ultimate responsibility for fulfilling these requirements lies with the Show Secretary. If the animals move to a herd other than the source herd,

The new destination herd must complete and sign the certificate also.

Completed forms should be sent by the Show Secretary to the local RVO within 7 days of the Show.


Animal Identification and Movement (AIM) Division,

Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine.