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221A: Best Pedigree Charolais Champion & Reserve Champion

Cattle Section ➤ Charolais Sun 9th Jun 2024 - Fri 9th Aug 2024
Cattle Section - Opening Notes


Head of Cattle Section: Micheal Roddy 087 411 2693


Charolais - Opening Notes

Charolais Champion €40. Reserve €30

No entries permitted on day of event.

Livestock Arena
Sun, 9th Jun, 2024
Start Time:  
11:00 am
Prizes:   1st - €60.00 , 2nd - €40.00 , 3rd - €20.00
This is a Championship Class. Entry via Qualifing Classes.
Qualifying Classes
Class 217: Best Pedigree Charolais Heifer born between 1 September 2022 and 31 August 2023
Class 218: Best Pedigree Charolais Female calf born after 1 Sep 2023
Class 219: Best Pedigree Charolais Male calf born after 1 Sep 2023
Class 220: Pedigree Charolais Calf of the Future, Male/Female born after 1 January 2024
Class 221: Best Pedigree Charolais Pair, Male/Female born after 1 September 2023